




根本芳療國際股份有限公司 (以下稱本公司)為使根本香氛商城網站(以下稱本線上購物網)可正確且順暢運營,並提供顧客愉悅完善之服務,因此制定本服務條款。




1. 若顧客完成會員註冊手續或開始使用本線上購物網之服務,就視為已知悉、並同意本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更。

2. 若為未滿二十歲之顧客,應於法定代理人閱讀、知悉並同意本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更後,方得使用。

3. 若未滿二十歲之顧客開始使用本線上購物網時,即推定您的法定代理人已閱讀、知悉並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容及其後修改變更。

4. 顧客及本公司雙方同意以電子文件作為意思表示之方式。

5. 若您不同意本服務條款之任何內容或其後修改變更,建議您立即停止使用本線上購物網之服務。











1. 損害本公司、其他顧客、第三者之權利、利益、名譽等之行為。

2. 妨礙本線上購物網營運及阻礙提供服務之行為。

3. 無真實交易意願卻訂購商品之行為。

3. 冒用他人名義訂購商品或提供虛假不實資料之行為。

4. 違反法律規定、公共秩序及善良風俗之行為。

5. 違反本公司制定之各種規約條款。

6. 其他不符合本服務提供目的之行為或本公司有正當理由認定為不適當之行為。












1. 對本服務相關軟硬體設備進行必要之搬遷、更換、升級、保養或維修,並已於本線上購物網公告周知或以其他適當方式通知顧客者。

2. 顧客有任何違反法令或本服務條款之規定或有違反前述規定之虞者。

3. 因天災或其他不可抗力情事而導致全部或部分之服務停止、中斷或受到影響。

4. 因其他非可歸責於本公司之情事而導致全部或部分之服務停止、中斷或受到影響。

5. 因非本公司得控制之事由而導致服務資訊顯示不正確、或遭偽造、竄改、刪除或擷取、或致系統中斷、不能正常運作或受到其他影響。



我們接受 Visa、MasterCard、超商取貨付款、黑貓宅配貨到付款、PayPal 、支付寶 、銀聯卡、LINEPay 和 帳號匯款。



1. 本公司保留全部或部分變更、廢止本線上購物網服務之權利,所造成之任何直接或間接之損害,本公司不負任何賠償責任。

2. 本公司不擔保於本線上購物網無償提供資料內容之真偽、正確性、即時性、有效性、可依賴性、合適性及損害第三者權利等責任。

3. 若發生電子通信服務或電腦等設備障礙,導致系統中斷、延遲、中止、資料消失、資訊不正確等情形,所造成之任何直接或間接之損害,本公司不負任何賠償責任。









These Website Standard Terms and Conditions written on this webpage shall manage your use of our website, dhyana.store accessible at https://www.dhyana.store

These Terms will be applied fully and affect to your use of this Website. By using this Website, you agreed to accept all terms and conditions written in here. You must not use this Website if you disagree with any of these Website Standard Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions have been generated with the help of the Terms And Conditiions Sample Generator.

Minors or people below 18 years old are not allowed to use this Website.

Intellectual Property Rights

Other than the content you own, under these Terms, Dhyana Aromatherapy and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property rights and materials contained in this Website.

You are granted limited license only for purposes of viewing the material contained on this Website.


You are specifically restricted from all of the following:

• publishing any Website material in any other media;

• selling, sublicensing and/or otherwise commercializing any Website material;

• publicly performing and/or showing any Website material;

• using this Website in any way that is or may be damaging to this Website;

• using this Website in any way that impacts user access to this Website;

• using this Website contrary to applicable laws and regulations, or in any way may cause harm to the Website, or to any person or business entity;

• engaging in any data mining, data harvesting, data extracting or any other similar activity in relation to this Website;

• using this Website to engage in any advertising or marketing.

Certain areas of this Website are restricted from being access by you and Dhyana Aromatherapy may further restrict access by you to any areas of this Website, at any time, in absolute discretion. Any user ID and password you may have for this Website are confidential and you must maintain confidentiality as well.

Your Content

In these Website Standard Terms and Conditions, "Your Content" shall mean any audio, video text, images or other material you choose to display on this Website. By displaying Your Content, you grant Dhyana Aromatherapy a non-exclusive, worldwide irrevocable, sub licensable license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute it in any and all media.

Your Content must be your own and must not be invading any third-party’s rights. Dhyana Aromatherapy reserves the right to remove any of Your Content from this Website at any time without notice.

Your Privacy

Please read Privacy Policy.

No warranties

This Website is provided "as is," with all faults, and Dhyana Aromatherapy express no representations or warranties, of any kind related to this Website or the materials contained on this Website. Also, nothing contained on this Website shall be interpreted as advising you.

Limitation of liability

In no event shall Dhyana Aromatherapy , nor any of its officers, directors and employees, shall be held liable for anything arising out of or in any way connected with your use of this Website whether such liability is under contract.  Dhyana Aromatherapy , including its officers, directors and employees shall not be held liable for any indirect, consequential or special liability arising out of or in any way related to your use of this Website.


You hereby indemnify to the fullest extent Dhyana Aromatherapy from and against any and/or all liabilities, costs, demands, causes of action, damages and expenses arising in any way related to your breach of any of the provisions of these Terms.


If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid under any applicable law, such provisions shall be deleted without affecting the remaining provisions herein.

Variation of Terms

Dhyana Aromatherapy is permitted to revise these Terms at any time as it sees fit, and by using this Website you are expected to review these Terms on a regular basis.

Payment Types

We accept Visa, MasterCard, PayPal and UnionPay.


The Dhyana Aromatherapy is allowed to assign, transfer, and subcontract its rights and/or obligations under these Terms without any notification. However, you are not allowed to assign, transfer, or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms.

Entire Agreement

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between Dhyana Aromatherapy and you in relation to your use of this Website, and supersede all prior agreements and understandings.

Governing Law & Jurisdiction

These Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of tw, and you submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in tw for the resolution of any disputes.



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