

On the afternoon of 2016 October 28th a very special guest visited Dhyana. Ms. Kameyama from Hokaido Japan; she represents Fupu No Mori a  company that focuses on sustainable forestry products. This company is from the northern town of Shimokawa with population of around 2500. Once a mining town at its peak had over 15,000 residents, but with the relocation of mining operations an alternative business was needed to ensure the long-term livelihood of the remaining residents. With the ideal of sustainability and protecting environments the locals decided to gather what is available from the forest without harming the trees and landscape and develop them into new businesses. The Shimokawa Forest Labor Union then funded the subsidiary company of FEP No Mori based on these ideas. With nearly 200 acres of firs and pines and beautiful snow scenes a brand of wonderful dreams emerged after years of dedicated hard works.

During the meeting Ms.Kameyama presented Fupu No Mori essential oil of the aroma is especially rich with eyes closed one can almost see the giant fir tree standing in front of you. Breathing lightly one can feel the clean breeze of Hokaido brushing against your face what lovely oil. She also showed pictures of Fupu No Mori work place. What  wonderful natural environments, frost on the forest sunrise through the fog.

Before the end I talk about the core believes of Dhyana, which include study of the science of aroma particles, the production of creams and lotions through qualified GMP plants, small farmer contract harvest. Ms. Kameyama showed looks of envy when I mention the company laboratory for research.

This two hour meeting between I and Ms.Kameyama sparked the enthusiasm of brand integrity for both. Gifts were exchanged….

This represents not only the promotion of essential oil products between Taiwan and Japan. It signals the finding of peoples with the same value, the value of treasuring natural and humanity above pure commercial interest.


2016年 10/28下午根本芳療門市出現了一位貴客,是從日本北海道下川町『フプの森』(Fupu No Mori)遠道而來的亀山(Kameyama)小姐。位處高緯度地區的『フプの森』原先是下川町森林工會其中之一的事業。起初只是想透過這個產業連結更多商業機會,秉持「讓人們收集森林既有的東西得以生活」的觀念,讓這個只有2500人口的鄉村社會得以永續發展。在『フプの森』近200公頃的森林園區裡,盡是熱帶氣候難以見到的杉、松及檜木。當初的理念在多年的堅持不懈下,也成功獲得眾人喜愛,替下川町開創了『フプの森』這樣一個天然、由冷杉及雪景形象構建出的夢幻品牌。





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